Site Risk AssessmentRISK ASSESSMENTBusiness NameSite / Area Person Conducting the AssessmentDateCONSIDERED HAZARDS These hazards have been identified , considered and addressed: These hazards have been considered Public Safety Workers Health / Safety Access to the work area Electrical Heights Asbestos Mobile Plant Tools and Material Storage Manual Handling Hazardous Chemicals Confined Space Hot Works Other Trades OtherConsidered Hazards Other OptionACTION TAKEN Only tick if relevant. Action has been taken on the following Advised workers of the hazards Workers have the correct PPE Access to the work area is safe and clear Tools and Materials are in a safe position Roadway is clear / Footpath is clear Barricading / signage in place Waste disposal in place Workers have access to: toilet / drinking water / First Aid Kit Other Trades have been advisedGeneral comments or concerns for the site.Signature Sign Here Submit