COMPETENCY CHECKLISTCOMPETENCY CHECKLISTThis checklist is designed to ensure the most critical component in each skill area is competently demonstrated by the worker.Competency test UndertakenEmployer Trading NameName of person being CheckedFirst NameLast NameTodays DateASSESSMENTLicenses & TrainingLicense Checked Car License Forklift License Chemical Accreditation Not Applicable OtherOtherCommentsSAFE WORK PROCEDURESCompletionEmployee has completed the relevant safe work procedures? Yes NoSafe Work Procedure completed Trucks and Utilities Forklift Hazardous Chemicals OtherOther OPERATIONDemonstration / Observation / KnowledgeDemonstrated knowledge of Pre-start Requirements Knowledge of Controls, Dials and Levers Safety Requirements P.P.E Requirements Understanding of Traffic Management Plan Understanding of Emergency Requirements OtherOtherObserved Worker Operation of Machinery Operation of Powered Tools Operation of Fixed Machinery OtherOtherCommentsSIGN OFF - Person conducting the competency checkI have observed this worker in the knowledge, understanding and operation of the safe operation of the identified machinery.Name First NameLast NamePositionI have deemed them Competent Not yet competentAction (if required) One-on-one training Redo SWPs Reassign Employee to complete relevant SWP OtherOtherComments if incompetentSignature Sign Here PhotoBrowse Files Submit