Emergency Response Plan

Accident Procedures

  • Shut down any plant, machinery or equipment.
  • Provide first aid if someone is injured and stay with the injured person.
  • Alert the relevant authorities stay onsite and await their arrival. Dial 000 ask for a ambulance.
  • Arrange for someone to meet the ambulance at the front of the site.
  • First Aid Kit to be accessible and maintained on each site.
  • A current First Aid Holder to be onsite.
  • If an accident / Incident occurs apply First Aid / CPA place the Patient in the recovery position, keep as comfortable as possible.
  • Do not move unless in danger or treatment is not possible in their present position.

Report the incident to the P.B.C.U. builder, supervisor, safety consultant as soon as practilable.   






000 for emergency

131233 for non-emergencies

Fire Brigade

000 for emergency

41507999 for non-emergencies


000 for emergency

41539111 for non-emergencies

Bundaberg Hospital


Poisons Information Centre


Workplace Health and Safety Office


1300 369 915

 Safety Consultant- Darryl Rasmussen

0428 592 687







If fire is discovered: (000)

  • Ensure that all persons are safe.
  • Only attack the fire if you feel it is safe to do so.
  • Always keep your back away from the fire.
  • The emergency evacuation point will be on the footpath of each dwelling.
  • Ensure the area is secure before leaving.




If an accident occurs:

  • Ensure the area is safe before assisting the victim.
  • Decide if an ambulance is required.
  • Call 000 stay on the line, use this service for instructions on what to do next.
  • If possible place the victim in the recovery position.
  • Don’t leave the patient until help arrives.
  • If the victim is not breathing commence C.P.R immediately.
  • Ask someone else to go for the First Aid Kit.
  • Ask someone else to direct the ambulance to the victim.
  • Ensure the area is safe before leaving.


If an electrical accident occurs:

  • Ensure the area is safe before assisting the victim.
  • Turn of the power if it is safe to do.
  • Decide if an ambulance is required.
  • Call 000 stay on the line, use this service for instructions on what to do next.
  • If possible place the victim in the recovery position.
  • Don’t leave the patient until help arrives.
  • If the victim is not breathing commence C.P.R immediately.
  • Ask someone else to direct the ambulance to the victim.
  • Contact the electrical provider if required.
  • Ensure the area is safe before leaving.


If poisoning occurs:

  • Secure the area and the poison.
  • Determine the poison, find the required S.D.S
  • Contact the poison hot line. (13 11 26)
  • Contact the ambulance.
  • Place the victim in a safe, cool area and watch constantly.
  • Don’t leave the victim, keep reassuring the patient.
  • Show the ambulance the poison and the S.D.S for it.
  • Ensure the area is safe before leaving.


The emergency signal is: 

Vehicle Horn sounded three times.

The emergency assembly area is:

Front kerb of the site